Starting July 1st, 2023, all individuals required to have First Aid and CPR certification will need to have the hands-on portion of the CPR training. Providers may wait until current...
Last updated: August 22, 2023

Watch our new video explaining how to navigate your provider portal.

Sometimes the provider portal can be  confusing and difficult to navigate. Click below to watch a quick tutorial to eliminate the challenges. (March 15, 2023)Provider Portal Tour...
Last updated: August 22, 2023

Navigate the Newly Redesigned CCL Website

Although all of the information is the same, there may be some confusion about where to find everything on our newly designed CCL Website. (January, 2023)...
Last updated: August 25, 2023

Assessing Compliance

As the result of a federal audit and to ensure the consistency of inspections, licensors are assessing compliance with all rules and requirements at all inspections. When providers and directors...
Last updated: August 22, 2023

Background Checks

Please Note: The Office of Background Processing (OBP) is seeing significant delays in fingerprinting information being released due to complications the Department of Public Safety (DPS) is currently experiencing.  DPS is...
Last updated: August 22, 2023

Fingerprint Form

The fingerprint form is now generated through the provider’s Child Care Licensing Portal. A “Download Fingerprint Form” button will appear after a background check form is authorized. When fingerprints are...
Last updated: August 22, 2023

Checking IDs

During inspections, licensors will ask to see a government-issued photo ID (or a copy of that ID) for each covered individual. This is to verify the identity of the covered...
Last updated: August 22, 2023

Consolidation Role Changes

We are pleased to announce Child Care Licensing is now part of the newly consolidated Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Carmen Richins, who has been serving as the Office...
Last updated: August 22, 2023

2022 Compliance Grant

We received a lot of applications for the 2022 Compliance Grant and hope to have notifications out by the end of September. Final decisions have not yet been made and...
Last updated: August 22, 2023

Media contacts

For media inquiries, contact our on-call Public Information Officers (PIO) at:

Joe Dougherty, director of communications

News releases and media statements

Spanish news releases and media statements

We strive to provide all news releases and media statements in Spanish. Our language access team can provide translation services by contacting them at languageaccess.utah.gov.  

Our graphic and writing standards

Our agency name is the Utah Department of Health and Human Services. Use DHHS if an acronym is needed. 

  • DHHS graphic standards—This guide outlines how to use our logo, colors, fonts, and imagery in printed and electronic media. 
  • DHHS logos 
  • DHHS writing style guide—This guide creates clear and consistent language and tone across all written products, both internal and external to our agency.

Media guides and safe messaging

How we talk about suicide, mental health, and traumatic events matters. When we follow safe messaging guidelines, we contribute to a hopeful narrative about triumph over adversity. We communicate that support is available. Safe messaging promotes resiliency, encourages help-seeking, publicizes prevention successes, and encourages actions to help prevent suicide. 

When writing about suicide, mental health, or traumatic events follow safe messaging guidelines. Here are some of our favorite resources.